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Who we are

Creative humans and human-aware robots

We are a community of academics, artists, curators, learning experience (LX) designers and innovation consultants, operating with one goal: to create a more inclusive and diverse digi-physical world. As people, we are becoming more and more robot-minded. However, research shows that AI does not always respect humanity in all its diversity. At Niet Normaal Institute for Inclusive Innovation (NNIII) we believe we need to leverage human diversity if we want to smoothly navigate our increasingly digital society.


We founded NNIII as a nucleus of creativity, technology and social change. At that specific intersection — where creativity, robots and humans meet — we create transformations in complex social environments. 

Transformative learning experiences

We offer hackathons, design sprints and other forms of experiential learning. These sessions inspire, contextualise and motivate people and their organisations towards a more inclusive world.


We know the transformative power of human connection, which is why our sessions are about sharing personal stories and bearing witness to one another's struggles and accomplishments. 


We approach our work with a critical, yet affirmative believe in the role of technology in cultivating inclusion, diversity and intersectional awareness. 





What we do
Our story

Inclusion and accessibility at our core since 2010

NNIII was founded as a private counter part of Niet Normaal INT Foundation (NNIF). Since 2010 NNIF develops large-scale, experiential exhibitions at the interface of design, art and technology. Its ambition is threefold: to initiate social discussions, to mix audience groups and to contribute to a liveable world. Some of the most notable exhibitions organised by NNIF are the current Fake Me Hard, Impossible Bodies (2020), Robot Love (2018), Hacking Habitat (2015) and Difference on Display (2010), which was opened by Dutch (then) princess Máxima. 


Director Ine states that "On top of training humans to become robot proof, we should invest in making robots and AI human aware". She has effectively spread this message throughout the art world and was called The most radical curator in The Netherlands (Dezeen, 2019).


Ine observed however that inclusive action is lagging behind in business, education and government. Advised by a scientific team she formalised the inclusive methodology that she has used throughout her curating career. She then recruited specialists with a diverse outlook, who are able to refresh hearts and minds in the professional world. This resulted in NNIII.



Our visibly and invisibly diverse community

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Ine Gevers


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Morgan Catalina

Inclusive Innovation Facilitator

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Minke Havelaar

Project Manager

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Onno Ephraim

Business development


Astrid Elburg

Inclusive Innovation Facilitator

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Marek van de Watering

Inclusive Innovation Facilitator

Vision & mission

It is typically human to be a-typical. Our ethnicity, gender expression, mental health, neural wiring, physical abilities and a million other factors are what make us unique. Yet products, services, and algorithms are developed by and for a more or less homogenous demographic. This results in a growing disconnect between organisations and their stakeholders.



We help organisations and individuals to find their competitive edge in a changing world that demands inclusive practices.


To do that, we offer transformative learning experiences with a special focus on diversity and inclusion. By taking part in our science-based programmes, you develop future oriented business and leadership skills while leveraging diversity in yourself and others.

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